Arm yourself with the red dot specifically built for modern everyday carry. The micro-sized Defender-CCW™ delivers maximum concealment, reliability, and the first-shot quickness you need when facing a threat with nowhere to run. The slim profile means no extra bulk or width for a smoother, no-snag draw from under clothes
and less chance of printing, so the only one on the street who knows you’re packing is you. A large, classleading sight window and brilliant, illuminated dot help you lock on target faster and defend more accurately, even in low light. Auto-Shutoff to preserve battery life. Motion activated, so it’s instantly ready when you need
it. Fits full-size to micro-compacts. Meant for those who prioritize personal protection, the Defender-CCW™ lets you carry more discreetly, defend faster, and more accurately when life is on the line.
LARGE HARD COATED ASPHERICAL LENS: For a fast, distortion-free sight picture
MOTION ACTIVATION WITH 14 HOUR AUTO-SHUTOFF: Automatically activates with motion, while 14 hour Auto-Shutoff saves battery life.
SHOCKSHIELD™ POLYMER INSERT: Polymer insert absorbs everyday impacts.
Length 1.6"
Weight: .95oz
Dot color: Red (3 MOA)
Magnification: 1x
Battery: CR1632 / 9500 hours on Setting 6
Adjustment: 1 MOA
Travel per Rotation: 30 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment: 110 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 105 MOA
Motion Activation
Tags: vortex, defender, ccw, red, dot, sight, moa, pistol, sights, vxdfccwmrd3